News Archive

Christian Aid Week: 12-18 May

Christian Aid Week takes place this year from 12-18 May. During this week, Christians from many churches in Scotland and elsewhere come together to raise funds for Christian Aid's work worldwide. Together with their partners, Christian Aid focuses on supporting people to push back against the inhumanity of poverty to build a better future. One focus this year is on Burundi, where extreme poverty and the climate crisis are making survival a daily challenge.

Donation envelopes will be available at Belhaven and Spott churches from the beginning of May and can be handed in at either church. Alternatively, you can donate online at Dunbar Christian Aid Envelope - Christian Aid Fundraise.

You are also warmly invited to attend an ecumenical Songs of Praise service in Belhaven Church at 7 p.m. on Sunday 12 May. The hymns will be chosen by members of all congregations in the Dunbar area. There will be a retiring collection for Christian Aid, and refreshments will be served afterwards in the Church Hall.  

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Easter Morning at Belhaven Beach

The annual 8 a.m. gathering at Belhaven Beach every Easter morning is a real highlight of worship for many members of our church, and this year, the weather really was perfect for a gathering to celebrate Jesus' resurrection. Around 30 people arose extra early (thanks to the changing of the clocks the day before!) to gather for the informal service led by the Breakfast Church team, with Neil Black officiating, Richard Taylor giving a talk and everyone singing worship songs to guitar and flute accompaniment.

After the service, most of the attendees retired back to the Belhaven Church Hall for coffee, croissants and conversation. It was a real blessing to be there, and we hope everyone will consider coming along to the service next Easter!

Easter Greetings from India

We received an Easter message from Mahakalguri Church in North India: "Hallelujah...Praise the Lord...Easter greetings from Mahakalguri. Pastor Rev. P. Narjinary sends message of resurrection singing a song 'Early morning Mary Magdalene visited but did not find Jesus' in Bodo language."


For more information about our twinned church in Mahakalguri, please visit the About Us page of the website.

Dunbar FoodShare - Current Requests

As you may know, there are collection points in both Belhaven and Spott for goods and money donated to Dunbar FoodShare. Particular items requested at any given time are posted in the weekly Church Bulletin and on Dunbar Foodshare’s Facebook page; current items specifically requested include dried lentils, orange juice, coffee, sugar, custard, tinned meat and shampoo.


Donations of non-perishable goods or cash can be handed in each Sunday, but are particularly encouraged on the last Sunday of the month.

Thank you to those who already support this important project - new contributors would also be welcomed. For more information, please contact any of the following people:

Belhaven: Chrissie Black ( or Andrew Brown (
Spott: Moira Cockburn (

Nominating Committee Selected

Many thanks to everyone who participated in the process yesterday (10 March) of selecting a Nominating Committee to search for Belhaven and Spott's next permanent minister. Whether you put yourself forward for selection, nominated someone else for selection, or simply cast a ballot yourself to help determine the final list of committee members, it was great to see everyone come together and help us take this next big step forward.


The 10 people from Belhaven and Spott who will be on the Nominating Committee are as follows (in alphabetical order):

Nick Archer

Neil Black

Sheilagh Fallon

Val Goodwin

Hazel Gray

Diana Mackie

Peter McIntyre

Malcolm Payton

Richard Smith

Richard Taylor


The remaining three members of the 13-person committee will be elected by Dunglass on 17 March.