A Brief History of Belhaven Church

1835/37: Discussions were taking place at the Presbytery of Dunbar about a Church which should be built to the western boundary accommodate the larger population in Dunbar. Funds of £600 from the Parish £100 from East Lothian Presbytery and a further £200 from Church of Scotland expansion fund.


1838: The position of the new Church was discussed, options being Winterfield Park (not as we know it now), part of Winterfield Estate Gate or Dungens Garden, Belhaven and the name was agreed as the West Parish Church. Estimates were obtained to build the Church of £840 was accepted; also, the cost of the Church Bell was not to exceed £50.


1840: The Church was opened with the Rev William Sorley as minister along with a Church officer. The West Parish Church did not have a session as it was an extension of the Dunbar Presbytery.


1843-1850: The Church was occupied by the Free Church, who in due course had to leave due to financial problems.


1850: The Church reopened with debits cleared by Church of Scotland, with the Reverend James Wilson but not as a Parish Church under its own court of Office.


1859: Ground around the Church was bought from Winterfield Park, which allowed the Church Manse to be built.


1860: The Parish of Belhaven Church with its own trustees etc. was formed with the Rev Robert Craig.


1888: The communion table bible lecture and baptismal fount were bestowed.


1911: The school authorities approached the Church about the old School at end of Beveridge Row, which was bought as the hall for Belhaven Church at that time.


1963: The new hall at the side of the Church was opened.


1980: The old manse stables were converted as another meeting space.


Belhaven Church Ministers since 1840


1840-1843: Rev William Sorley

1843-1850: Rev James Dods (occupied by the free Church)

1858-1859: Rev James Wilson

1860-1863: Rev Robert James Craig

1863-1869: Rev Donald McCorquodale

1869-1878: Rev James Symington

1878-1888: Rev John Oliver

1888-1911: Rev William Vetich

1911-1913: Rev Melville Stewart

1914-1927: Rev Norman McLeod

1927-1947: Rev A J Ritchie

1947-1977: Rev McMartin

1978-2017: Rev Laurence Twaddle

2017-2021: Rev Neil Watson